Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No post tonight...deep into writing my paper

So I have been so distracted at home over the past few nights I have been unable to get my paper completed. So, I decided to stay in my office tonight and work on the darn thing. It is now nearly 8pm and I have accomplished little. I have written my intro sentence and have some of the analysis completed but quite frankly I am not as far along as I want to be. But the creative juices are starting to flow and I am starting to generate some ideas of where I want this 5 page monster to go. I was more frustrated until I called Carol, a classmate, and she indicated she was going to call me as she had some questions. Turned out we had the same questions so it sounds like I am on the right track with blindly finishing this thing! Regarding music (which is why you pay attention to this blog in the first place), I have say I am sorry there won't be an upload tonight. I'm leaving my laptop here at work tonight and can't upload anything from it. My work has all these firewalls in place so I can't even upload a youtube video as a brief respite. I will be back tomorrow night with something special I hope. But you can check out my other blog as I did upload a cool song from the Black Hollies this weekend.

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