B side to the xmas 45 post from a few weeks ago. Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's eve.
My feeble attempt at documenting my record collection and music obsession.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
American Eagle- Gospel
This group was formally known as The Surprise Package. I' plan to upload their Columbia 45's which are all choice! They went for a whole new sound and embraced the country rock sound when they changed their name. Sounds a bit like Tommy James when during his country phase. Their only Decca LP is fantastic and has a cool gatefold cover. I've got a stock copy also of this but I'll have to scan it on the 1st when I'm off.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Stephen Monahan - City Of Windows
I went to a record show a few weeks back and bought a ton of 45's cheap. PS was a little tattered at the bottom but the promo 45 was in really nice shape. Not bad for fifty cents. This one was has a Round Wonders feel to me but I am not sure if it ever made those compliations (I'm too lazy to do any real research about that). I did find this neat interview at the following link:
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Chambers Brothers - Love, Peace And Happiness
I found out yesterday that McDonald's closes on Christmas. I was volunteered to pick up my neighbors daughter at RDU yesterday and wanted some coffee on the way up. All I have to say is thank god for Sheetz (not only open on Christmas but gives away coffee). I found 2 on the way up and was able to get my caffene fix. While on the way to RDU I bounced the radio station from Little Stevens Underground and Deep tracks. Deep tracks played a 16+ minute version of this song yesterday and I thought I'd upload to go along with my peace theme.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Zebra - Christmas Morning
Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I would post early, and what a fitting song. I don't know much about this group but Sean Bonniwell of MUSIC MACHINE fame wrote it and I'm thinking he is singing. There is a re-mix of this song from a few years ago that's easy to find if you google it.
As we gather with friends and family today, let's rejoice on the blessings that we have in our lives and be thankful on this Christmas Morning. There is a lot of craziness going on in the world these days but I think that if we send forth positive thoughts and positive actions we can make a difference in this world. Let's not focus on the death, destruction and hate, but instead focus on how we can change this world to be more peaceful and understanding of differences. As my friend Rodney says, "Peace Out".
As we gather with friends and family today, let's rejoice on the blessings that we have in our lives and be thankful on this Christmas Morning. There is a lot of craziness going on in the world these days but I think that if we send forth positive thoughts and positive actions we can make a difference in this world. Let's not focus on the death, destruction and hate, but instead focus on how we can change this world to be more peaceful and understanding of differences. As my friend Rodney says, "Peace Out".
Monday, December 24, 2012
The Ventures - Sleigh Ride
I'm on this Ventures kick and want to see if I can find all their 60's 45's. This one had eluded me for quite awhile.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Hank Ballard & The Midnighters - Christmas Time For Everyone But Me
Fixed the Bey Ireland post and had to re-record some others like this one as I had the same mistake. Here is Christmas from the man who wrote The Twist
Friday, December 21, 2012
Pearl Bailey - Five Pound Box of Money
I recorded this one to the computer the yesterday morning then as I was driving into town heard it on xm.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Bob Seger & The Last Heard- Sock It To Me Santa
I wonder if Bob ever thought he would be worth mega millions when he released this rockin holiday classic.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Boys Next Door - The Wildest Christmas
I have a version from a group called the Rumbles LTD that I swear is the exact same as this. I'll let you be the judge when I upload it later next week.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Allan Sherman - The Twelve Gifts Of Christmas
It's that time of the season and I'm stocked up on Christmas songs. I have had a fascination with Christmas songs for the past 5 or 6 years and have picked up some interesting 45s. Last year and I had the crud and did not upload as many as I had planned. This year, I plan on locking myself in a room so I can get the full 12 days of christmas in without becoming sick....just kidding. So I was thinking how do I start this thing this year- traditionally...oh no, let's start with a healthy dose of "novelty". I will get to obscure later
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Jan Tanzy - That New Boy In Town
Love those promo 60's Columbia 45s. This one co-written by Neil Diamond. Another from the lot of 3000 from this summer
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Phluph - Doctor Mind
I'm a little tired so I thought I would knock this out before I lose some motivation. Picked this up in Myrtle Beach this summer.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Mike & The Dimensions- Little Latin Lupe Lu & Why
I went to a record show yesterday and picked a ton of 45's. Some folks had 1/2 prices but it appeared to me the prices were jacked up so the 1/2 price did not look like much of a deal. Afterwards, went to Best Buy to buy a new router as the old one was giving us fits. I also bought an updated Roxio program that should help with taping directly to my lap top. I'm getting a list of xmas 45's I plan on uploading so hopefully you like xmas music.
I traded a friend for this 45 a few months back. I've thought about going into Frederick's of Goldsboro (which is still open) and ask them about this 45. I recently saw it was reissued and you can buy a pricey copy (although probably not as pricey as this considering I think only 500 were pressed). Not sure if this was autographed or not. Sorry about the sound quality but it's not in the bst condition
I traded a friend for this 45 a few months back. I've thought about going into Frederick's of Goldsboro (which is still open) and ask them about this 45. I recently saw it was reissued and you can buy a pricey copy (although probably not as pricey as this considering I think only 500 were pressed). Not sure if this was autographed or not. Sorry about the sound quality but it's not in the bst condition
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Beatstalkers - Get A Better Hold On & Left Right Left
The semester is over so maybe I can be a little more consistent for a few days with my blog. I have less than 5 months to go and I will graduate from graduate school. Here is a nice double sider I picked up last summer.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Silver Eagle- The Astor Disaster
It is so easy losing track of time with this blog, especially with all the other complexities going on in my life. But when I do think of this blog, I'm overwhelmed sometimes with what I want to post. For instance, this is one I have had on the burner for some time but just have not gotten around to. I lucked into this interesting 45/ps by accident...a weird one off 45. As you can see, MGM pressed up several different promo labels. Not sure if I have ever seen a stock copy. MGM probably never made many if they did press it up for the public

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Election Night Youtube songs
Ok, I'm a bit lazy tonight. Hey, I was up at 3:45am, did field placement, went to work, got off at 5pm, ordered a pizza and went a voted. At least I did not have to wait in line. I could have prepared something but alas, I did not. So here is a boring video of an excellent song. I fell in love with a band called Game Theory when I was in college the 1st time around and this song was on their last studio LP. I had not listened to it in awhile but I thought of it today so I hope you enjoy it as well as Roger McGuinn doing the Byrds song I Wanna Grow Up and Be a Politician. Yeah, its not my usual fare but oh well.
Friday, November 02, 2012
Floyd Dakil Combo Dance Franny Dance
I had a Halloween post planned but unexpectedly my internet went down on Sunday. I was unable to have the cable company come out until today to fix it due to my crazy schedule. But we are rolling again but you'll have to wait until next year for a halloweenie post.
Here is another from the 3000 find.
Here is another from the 3000 find.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
King Cousins - Today I'm In Love
It is that time of season again, you know the SINUS INFECTION season. Thank GOD for antibiotics. Anyway, that has slowed me down the past 3 days but I'm feeling better. Gave me a reason to lounge around the house today watching Football. Picked this one up in the 3000 lot earlier this summer. I'm expecting a bunch of yucks on this one but it has grown on me. Found a youtube clip too!
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Pasternak Progress Flower Eyes & Cotton Soul
I thought I would get an early jump on tonights post because if I wait until evening as is my usual routine it may not happen due to weariness. I'm doing a bit of reflection today on the birth of this blog at a time when I was beginning graduate school. I can't remember if I have touched on graduate school in past posts, but I am attending a distance education graduate school program through the School of Social Work at East Carolina University. The pursuit of my MSW degree has brought many rewards as well as many changes in my life. I remember the trepidation I felt prior to meeting my classmates wondering if I would be the "old" one out and the relief I felt when I realized many classmates that were near my age. Over the past 2 1/2 years I have developed a deep bond with the 15 classmates.that remain out of the initial 22, and our time together is coming to end come May 2013. We have experienced many things together with exhaustion as well as sacrifice being common links. When you have a full time job and then come home to study, read, write papers, you find it takes away from your family life. I am lucky in that my step son grew up and moved out years before I began school. But my wife has suffered though with my attention being focused on school. It is difficult to balance the pressures and I am trying to do a better job with self care. It is not always easy.
One aspect of Social Work education that is rewarding is the field internship but it is also a burden. It is a burden in terms of the time required (24 hours a week) and how draining it can be for an individual that is working at least 40 hours a week and cannot flex their work schedule. I won't go into the particular difficulties I faced this year with finding a field internship but I will say that it worked out extremely well working in a clinic from 5am to 8am before going to work. Yes, I am up at 3:45am Monday through Saturday to be there at 5am. Yes it means that I get home at 5:30pm, do a little studying, eat and go to bed early. And yes, I don't have time for this blog like I have in the past. Oh, don't forget the loss of "me time" for the eternal search for finding records.
Today was a day where I did not have to go to school but still had my 3 hours of field internship. Then took the car for an oil change. I did get an opportunity to look for records. I found one place that appeared to have daily yard sale. I bought 8 45's but quite frankly this place just depressed me. These people had a house full of junk as well as an outdoor car port full of junk. They had buckets of 45's that had been just sitting in the rain probably all summer. Horrible horrible evilness. Many 45's that would have been wonderful pickups such as Sam Cooke's Sugar Dumpling that were left to moldy wet labels that were torn and stuck together. Or the lps that were left in the rain that were ruined. I mentioned to them how records needed to be stored better and their response was they could be cleaned easily. I went to my friend Jim's as he went to an auction last week that I turned him on to as I had to go to school. He ended up winning a box of 200+ 45's and what a great pickup. I ended up picking up several from him including a moody obscure garage 45 from a group The Shadows on Union Rougue. Tonights post, however, was from the Myrtle Beach trip I took in August.
One aspect of Social Work education that is rewarding is the field internship but it is also a burden. It is a burden in terms of the time required (24 hours a week) and how draining it can be for an individual that is working at least 40 hours a week and cannot flex their work schedule. I won't go into the particular difficulties I faced this year with finding a field internship but I will say that it worked out extremely well working in a clinic from 5am to 8am before going to work. Yes, I am up at 3:45am Monday through Saturday to be there at 5am. Yes it means that I get home at 5:30pm, do a little studying, eat and go to bed early. And yes, I don't have time for this blog like I have in the past. Oh, don't forget the loss of "me time" for the eternal search for finding records.
Today was a day where I did not have to go to school but still had my 3 hours of field internship. Then took the car for an oil change. I did get an opportunity to look for records. I found one place that appeared to have daily yard sale. I bought 8 45's but quite frankly this place just depressed me. These people had a house full of junk as well as an outdoor car port full of junk. They had buckets of 45's that had been just sitting in the rain probably all summer. Horrible horrible evilness. Many 45's that would have been wonderful pickups such as Sam Cooke's Sugar Dumpling that were left to moldy wet labels that were torn and stuck together. Or the lps that were left in the rain that were ruined. I mentioned to them how records needed to be stored better and their response was they could be cleaned easily. I went to my friend Jim's as he went to an auction last week that I turned him on to as I had to go to school. He ended up winning a box of 200+ 45's and what a great pickup. I ended up picking up several from him including a moody obscure garage 45 from a group The Shadows on Union Rougue. Tonights post, however, was from the Myrtle Beach trip I took in August.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Billy Riley - Flying Saucers Rock & Roll
I've been trying to pace myself. I'm up at 3:45am M-S doing my field placement at 5am to 8am, going to work, getting home at 5:30pm, doing home work and hitting the pillow before 8:30am. So needless to say I am sneaking in a little blog for a few minutes. Did take my wife to see the Feelies at Cats Cradle in Chapel Hill on Saturday. I took some pictures and videos but the big thing I learned was I need a new camera! Oh well, the feelies will have to be on my other blog if I ever get back to it.
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Surfaris - Hot Rod High
This was to be last mondays upload but alas, divisahare would not cooperate. Needless to say, all is good now. I don' think I have ever heard a bad version of this song.
Friday, September 07, 2012
Bobby Patterson - The Knock Out Power Of Love
I have loved Bobby Patterson's music ever since finding that first color vinyl promo. This is my most recent find of a few weeks ago. The black vinyl stock copy has been in my collection for years.
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