I am in a bit of a new wave alternative mood this morning. I was more of a Julian Cope solo fan than a Teardrop Explodes fan but that is probably because I have not really listened to much Teardrop Explodes. I picked this one up over the past year and it gives me a thought that I need to explore The Teardrop Explodes a bit more in depth. My first exposure to the Teardrop Explodes came from a US LP Kilmanjaro that I believe was released on Mercury that I found at a Goodwill when I was in college. I was going to visit the folks and had left Ft. Collins early enough so that I could walk into the Goodwill in Colorado Springs when they opened. That Goodwill always had great records and they had just put out about 5 or so boxes of lp's. I was finding great stuff including the Killamanjaro LP. All of sudden this guy walks up and shoves me out of the way and proclaims, "I always get first access to the records." Now I am not a violent guy but let me tell you this guy went flying backwards himself. He then pouts and says "I'm going to the manager." I told him bring it on and matter of fact let's go ahead and call the police so I can file assault charges against you. He paced back and forth pouting while I would pull out an lp and go "Ooohh...lookie what I found." I believe I only bought 2 lps that day and the rest I pulled I went and filed elsewhere in their record stacks. Make him have to search! It is unbelieveable how incredibly rude record buyers can be. I wish I could say that was the only time something like that happened but I can't. 

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