Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lorraine Ellison - Stay With Me

Happy New Years Eve.  I just  spent some time reading entries on a blog "So Many Records So Little Time" and was just drooling over his stories about records he scored at radio stations in the 60's. He had a post about being involved with the band X and had an unreleased test pressing with a picture sleeve. I always liked X and what a fantastic item that is [yes X is a band that should grace my other blog and does not fit here]. It's seems to be that we record fanatics salivate at our finds and can remember every detail of how we found that obscure record..."I was looking through a box mint Mitch Miller in shrink wrap, a polka, and Andy Williams and was just about to quit when BAM...that Mint in shrink Meet The Beatles LP was there", or "I walked into the Salvation Army and first thing I saw across the room was the Velvet Underground LP with the Banana still attached. I thought, oh please be at least playable and I pull the lp out and it is stone Mint." May your 2015 be full of fantastic finds such as these.
I thought I would post this fantastic soulful *song. I also always loved Terry Reid's version and if you check out the Terry Reid section of my blog you will find his copy.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Charles Bradley- Everyday is Christmas

Merry Christmas. I hope you have had a blessed and wonderful day with family. I have chosen a new song for today. I discovered Charles Bradley a few years ago and think he is just wonderful, So I thought I would share a little Charles Bradley Christmas with everyone

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Supremes Twinkle Twinkle Little Me

Two Christmas posts remain. It rained all day and finally let up a little while ago which I was happy about because I forgot to buy the dog and cats Xmas. So I did the bravest thing I have done all day, I went to Walmart. Yikes, happy to get out of there with my life.
Here is a nice little Motown Supremes rarity. As you can see, I have the promo copy on Dark Red vinyl and what's is interesting is both sides are Twinkle Twinkle Little Me. I wonder if there is a red vinyl version of Children's Christmas Song, which appears to be the A Side

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Miles Davis - Blue Xmas

Three Christmas related posts left for 2014. Record Store Day and Black Friday Record Store day have become in my opinion the best and worst of days. It's the best because of all the cool music that is released or re-released but it's the worst because it's (1) limited and has become fodder for exuberant prices by people who don't give a crap about music thus making it difficult for the person [such as me] to obtain it reasonably; (2) high priced- $10-$14 for a 45 when normally they are $5 bucks, or $35 for an LP. Tonight's 45 is from the recent Black Friday Record store day. I waited in the cold for about 45 minutes and this was one of the items I wanted. It was long gone by the time it was my turn to go peruse the RSD releases. Luckily, my friend in Maryland was able to get a copy for me. From what I can tell from a quick internet search, the songs on this 45 are a rarity in that Miles Davis had only a handful of songs that had a singer on them.
I've enjoyed Miles Davis for years and always buy his albums when I find them. I even found a few weeks ago one of his 45's on the Prestige label with the picture sleeve [. I consulted a renowned expert on pictures sleeves and he had never seen a MD Prestige picture sleeve and we both pretty much are concluding it is an import PS for a domestic 45- still pretty cool]

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sugar "Chile" Robinson - Christmas Boogie

Here is an early early 45. [1950] I also found some interesting youtube clips of Sugar "Chile" Robinson

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

James Brown - Santa Claus Go Straight to The Ghetto

Well this was a pathetic waste of a day on the prowl for records. I went to a nearby city and community and found 1 45 for .50 in one shop and 10 for a buck in another. Mostly what I found was extremely high priced crap, in some cases 45's that looked like they had been soaked in a water bath and then the place wanted 1.50 for them...or another place with beat up lp's for 29.99. Then the kicker was when I got home I dropped the sack with the 45's and chipped 2 of them and cracked least it was only 30 cents worth of damage and they were worth nothing.
If nothing else, what is Christmas without a little James Brown.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Johnny Horton - They Shined Up Rudolph's Nose

This week has gone by much too quickly. I am glad I still on vacation next week. I have plenty I need to take care of around home that I have not yet done. And of course I have a plan to run around tomorrow looking for records. I have a little day trip planned for a town and surrounding area that I have never really spent time scrounging about.
My parents had a copy of Johnny Horton's greatest hits and when I was growing up I used to play it all the time. Of course I have my own copy but come to think of it I have not listened to it in ages. Apparently there is a pricey rare picture sleeve for this 45

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jan Bradley - Christmas Time

Found this one about a month ago. check out my other blog [which I sadly neglect] if you are interested in some adventurous more modern Christmas 45's.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jessie Mae Hemphill - Merry Christmas Pretty Baby

How about a little Christmas blues. I picked this one up at my favorite record stop this past summer. And it's autographed to boot!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Jan & Dean Frosty The Snow Man

Surf meets snow. Actually this was pre surf Jan and Dean. They had some minor success when they switched over to Liberty but nothing that set the charts on fire. This certainly died a quick death in late 1962. Try to find a stock copy of this. This is easily one of their more difficult 45's out there.  Their next 45 [Linda] would start them on the road to hitsville

12/11/23- Listener request. Re-uploaded the song and also rescanned the 45 to include the very rare stock copy I scored after the original posting  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Reverend Cleophus Robinson - Amen

On my vinyl searches I usually keep an eye out for Christmas 45's. But over the last year I have not found as many as I usually do. I had a few on my "want list" but struck a big ole goose egg this year. But I do have enough Christmas 45's to fill the next 12 days- a big smorgasbord of genre's.
I did locate a promo of the Ventures Christmas 45 so I have updated that post with a scan of the label.
For tonight I thought I would start out traditional with Reverend Cleophus Robinson--What a voice he had.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tommy James And The Shondells- Pick Up

Here is an import rarity. I find the song selections rather strange-not the typical songs found on a Tommy James release. I have to admit that I had not really ever paid attention to these songs and I have the It's Only Love LP. I guess I need to take another listen to that one

Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Liberty Bell - Thoughts and Visions

I put up the Christmas Tree and rearranged the living room. My back is thanking me right now. I did run around out of town this morning to a few thrift shops I had not been to in awhile and found a dozen 45's.
Tonight's post reminds me of the Small Faces song "My Way Of Giving"

Thursday, December 04, 2014

The Honey Bees - One Wonderful Night

Wow I have been crazy busy. I am looking for some needed rest over the Christmas Holiday. Another recent find- a nice combination of dowop, soul and girl group sounds.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sam Cooke - Meet Me At Mary's Place

I wish everyone good health and happiness and I hope everyone is having a Happy Thanksgiving. I am giving thanks for all the blessings I have in my life; a Loving and Forgiving God, a wonderful wife, my dog Bently, who has returned to his happy go lucky self (he loves pumpkin pie and is looking forward to desert), two jobs I enjoy, my health...and the list goes on and on and on. And I am thankful that I have the ability to post these wonderful slices of vinyl for all of you.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Ventures - Diamond Head

I think it is time for another Ventures 45. Man I love these damn 45's. There is a book out about the Ventures and I need to find it. I hate those blue Dolton labels. I am glad they scan better than they look. This one only made it to #70 in the charts. What a shame.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gloria Walker And The Chevelles - Please Don't Desert Me Baby

The car goes into the shop tomorrow. I had thought about running around on Saturday but I think it is best to stay home and listen to music

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bit A Sweet - 2086

Wow, what a month this has been. I'm driving to work at 4:30am and BAM, a deer ran into my driver's side door while I'm going 55 miles an hour. Dented the hell out of my drivers side door, broke the mirror, and door latch, and my right side fender came loose when I slammed to a stop.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Little Junior Parker - Stranded

I'm happy to say Bently is being Bently more each day and no seizures thanks to meds. This little gem is a recent find, A little noizy but still worth the listen

Monday, November 10, 2014

Dave Clark Five - Five By Five

Bently seems to be doing better and has had no seizures since last week. He slept most of the day yesterday but I saw a few signs of our Ben Ben...a little rolling around wanting to be a lap dog. Here as I write this he is doing his nightly "it's time to feed me whine" which I have not heard in a week. Please keep your prayers coming!
This DC5 B side to "Here Comes Summer" is a nice little Instrumental. Recently given to me by my friend Jim

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Kingmen - It's Only The Dog - RIP Roxy

It was a very difficult week, starting with our Bently having 15 grand mal seizures between last Sunday and Tuesday. We had to put him on on medication, and he has had a hard time with it. Then last night we lost our beloved 12 year Husky Roxy. The whole house is grieving and poor Bently is sullen, combination of medication and grief. Bently could use everyone's prayers. Today's post goes out to our Roxy, our Roo, our sissy, who was much loved and will be very much missed.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

The Ariel - It Feels Like I'm Crying

What a cold and miserable day -rainy and windy. A perfect day to mess around with 45's. Tonight's offering is a 45 I have searched for years for and finally scored a copy a month ago. A fantastic double sided slice of heaven if you ask me. I will start with my favorite side (although I can promise you the other side will make the grade as well).

Friday, October 31, 2014

Johnny Eager - The Howl

So it is Halloween and the streets are busy with trick and treaters. I 've been roped into taking pictures of the neighbors in their garb handing out candy. Me, I prefer the quiet solitude at home....yeah, I'm a party pooper. But as I wait to go across the street, I'll post tonight's special. Found this in a box of mine and thought it was pretty killer.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ray Stevens - The Rockin Teenage Mummies

This was the other side of a 45 I posted May 2011. I really have no clue why I did not post this the past Halloweens but hey you get it now. It's a pretty obscure 45 to find. It's the only stock copy I have ever seen

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Who - Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

A Who Halloween song...thank you John Entwistle

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bobby Pickett - Monster Concert

Bobby Pickett is best known for The Monster Mash but he could never recreate that magic. In the late 60's he put out a couple of 45's on White Whale but nothing chart wise


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fourth way - The Far Side Of Your Moon

I was going through a box of 45's and found a wickedly cool song that fits perfect with Halloween [will post it on Halloween]. So, I went through my collection to see if I had anything to offer for Halloween this week. Some are clear cut Halloween. I thought I would start off the week with a not so clear cut choice. This is a trippy single but some of the music reminds me of a horror flick. This appears to be an in demand Psych 45 and I finally picked up a copy a few weeks ago

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bobby Loveless - Nite Owl

I have another version of this from another group that is killer as well. But who can beat the original

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Buckinghams - Hey Baby

I had a long 2 days of sitting in a work shop in Raleigh but it was worth it. There is nothing like getting home, kicking off the shoes and reclining back and relaxing.
Tonight's post is one of those "I normally don't post these casual hit records" posts. I picked this up a few months ago at a thrift shop [cheap and in fantastic shape], and I heard it on the radio a few days ago and quite frankly forgot what a fantastic song this was. I guess that is the good thing about being my own "blog boss"....I can indulge in music that strikes my fancy.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The T-Bones - The Midnight Hour

Quite uneventful weekend with zero effort or motivation to look for vinyl. I work next weekend so it should be a few weeks before I get back on the vinyl hunt. I did go through some boxes I had yesterday and found a few items I had set aside to listen to. Turned out I had a couple lo fi garage 45's with at least 1 if not both from North Carolina...sweet. Also a novelty Halloween 45. I love it when even when not on the hunt a gem or two is found.
I posted the other side of the Acetate in the past. Here is the other side of this unreleased [as far as I can tell] song