Sunday, April 07, 2024

Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats- Rocket 88

Sunday Classic: I did an imprompt buy yesterday. The story is I knew of a place a few months ago that that had a large amount of 45s but I never went. It was 2 hours away and he was only open 1 day during the week. The guy offered them cheap this last week and by the time I messaged him they were gone. Well a guy I know bought them and he showed them to me yesterday and boy did I screw up not going and looking at them a few months ago..big time mistake. So, I left his house and I remembered seeing another person who had a large amount and it was a bit expensive but it was close. So I contacted him and went and looked...did not want to make the same mistake. Well, the first box I looked in was full of bangers so I ended up negotiating with him and ended up with probably 7000 45s. Now alot of them are junk that are pretty worn but I pulled out a huge amount of bangers that I look forward to listening to.

I don't know which reissue version this is and I believe I also have a later pressing as well but not in my database and not sure which box it is in. I most definately consider this a Sunday Classic. 

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