Friday, February 28, 2025

Clydie King - Never Like This Before /The Long And Winding Road

A recent pickup. I have never seen a Lizard sleeve before and its pretty cool

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Turtles - You Know What I Mean

This one is a rushed one as I have a workshop I am attending today for Continuing Education hours and have a 2.5 hour drive

I love the Turtles and this one barely missed the top 10. It has that trademark harmonies, is catchy...I would love to see the top 10 chart to see what was ahead of it. You don't see white label promo Turtles 45's very often. More Turtles to come!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Creatures of The Golden Dawn - LIving In Sarah's Lies

Discogs calls The Creatures of the Golden Dawn "an American garage punk revival band". Who comes up with these terms...all I know is I have always been fond of bands like The Creatures. The lead singer Mark Smith died in 2011 of Huntington's Disease at only 52. As I read about Mark I realized he would have been someone I would have liked to have known

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Chixdiggit - Great Legs / Where's Your Mom?/Henry Rollins Is No Fun/ I Want to Hump You

Sub Pop Tuesday. This one always seemed like it would be a better fit on another label other than Sub Pop..they are from Canada but it has that Southern California sound to me. As you can see, I have the LP, the promo CD and a promo cd single for Where's Your least Sub Pop did send something to radio although I am not sure college radio played any of this. Oh, and by the way Henry Rollins is fun...he bought a pricey Washington DC disco/funk 45 from me a few years back

Monday, February 24, 2025

Duals - Stick Shift / Cruising

Happy Hot Rod Monday Morning- I have rectified a neglected failure and give us a nice surf hot rod instrumental. I always think of Ike & Tina on Sue so it seems out of place and odd this was released

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Awakening Echoes - The Right Road/ They That Wait

Last week was brutal busy and this week will be no different. I just need to relax today and not let my mind wander ahead to that foolishness. The Right Road is taking one moment at a time and not fast forwarding to each day this week. The 2nd Awakening Echoes I offer up.  It's always nice to find Peacock 45's, it's even better to find promo Peacock's. I saw an old Peacock sleeve once but never in person. It is not uncommon to find the Peacock 45's unsleeved but I would think I would find at least one sleeve. Even the Peacock 45's I bought from the closed record store did not have the sleeve. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Century's - Hard Times / Endless Search

 Here is another massive pickup from last fall.  I love the sleeve it came in...had stamped "Property of Professional Disc Jockey"..could you imagine the CAOS if this fell into the hands of a novice me...the POWER is all MINE...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Friday, February 21, 2025

Vala Reegan & The Valarons - Fireman / Living In The Past

This cold Friday morning brings us a massive one that I knocked off my want list. I had this parents sent me this huge box of promo 45s twenty five+ years ago that they bought at an auction. Full of amazing things like this. But times were difficult when my wife went out of work due to health issues and I had to sell it. Once we were financially stable again I started looking to replace it. It took 20+ years but this amazing 45 is back where it belongs. I have a few more 45s from those days that I am hoping to eventually replace.  It appears this was the only record Vala put out..what a shame!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Smokey Robinson and the Miracles - I Care About Detroit

Happy late Birthday to Smokey Robinson as I forgot he shared a birthday with Lou Christie....If I would have realized his birthday was yesterday I would have also recorded a Lou Christie version of a Smokey Robinson song. I heard a new song over the past year from Smokey and his voice still sounds so sweet at 85 young years of age. So enjoy a promo rarity from the Smokey Robinson vault. My wife grew up on the outskirts of Detroit and apparaently her cousin would clean a Motown studio. He brought her along one day and she watched the Temptations record. She didn't know who they were at the time. Can you imagine how cool that would have been!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Lou Christie - If You Really Love Me

Wednedsay Album Spotlight Lou Christie Does Detroit is also a Happy Birthday to Lou Christie. Interesting that CBS Special Projects picked this up. This apparently was first released on a smaller label. But when Lou does my favorite Stevie Wonder song you can't go wrong

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Makers - Open Your Eyes

Sub Pop Tuesday.. The Makers started out on Estrus Records and I would say they were a modern lowfi garage punk band. They ventured into glam, powerpop with their 1st one on Sub Pop. I had picked up the promo CD first. I would go to the used record stores and would just salivate when I would see those white promo cd's from Sub Pop. Later found the LP used as well. My favorite song from this album and I think it has one of the greatest lines ever... "Well you been lookin so sweet, like chocolate peanut butter pie..and I've been hungry like Elvis baby in 1975."  Just Fabulous!

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Super Stocks - Thunder Road /Wheel Stands

Cover version of the Robert Mitchum song Beach Boys style

Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Sunshine Company - It's Sunday

 No gospel ready but we have this light sunshine pop 45. Turns out there are quite a few versions of this out there I was unaware of...and written by Les!


Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Bit' A Sweet - Out of Sight, Out of Mind / Is It On-Is It Off

I wrote earlier in the week about the 45's I bought last Saturday. Usually tons of crud but I always find some gem that makes wading in the mire worth while. This was the gem of gems in that lot. This is something that has been on my "I want but probably won't ever get cheap" list. I'm not sure if I have ever heard a bad version of this song. I have versions by Limey & the Yanks and The Maruaders...those versions should grace this blog but this is the most difficult version to find. If there are other versions out there drop me a line so I can check them out