Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sunny Day Real Estate - Seven / In Circles

Sub Pop Tuesday. I thought of going completely left field Sub Pop wise today but decided to stick to what I consider the perfect Sub Pop release. I remember the first time I saw a video of Sunny Day Real Estate on MTV's 120 minutes and I was just enthralled. What a heavy and magnificant album. As you can see, I have picked up a few different copies of this. It was recently reissued but again I thought "do I really need another color vinyl version when I have the ultimate versions." What you see is an OG on black vinyl, a massively rare German blue polka dot splatter vinyl, the Newbury color vinyl version, a red vinyl version.  I also have the US and German promo cd's and the obscure US Promo CD singles for both songs. Not shown is a promo reissue CD which is in one of the boxes and by this time I was exhausted locating all of this stuff for pictures. I may be liquidating some of my Sub Pop items but these my friend will remain in my collection.

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