Saturday, July 15, 2023

Tommy Roe- Little Miss Goodie Two Shoes

A little Saturday night Bubblegum. I had theme nights back when I was more consistent with my uploads and I really would like to get back into a little bit of organization. But for now, it may be a hodge podge of things. 

I always love the bubble gum songs of Tommy Roe He was very underrated if you ask me. I will relate a funny little Tommy Roe story. I have probably all of his ABC 45s except for one which is listed in the discographies. However, I have never ever seen it for sale and there is no hard evidence that it was ever released in the states on 45. The songs are I am A Rambler, A Gambler/The Gunfighter referenced as ABC 10696.  So I tracked down Tommy's address and I mailed him a stamped addressed envelope and wrote a little letter. I asked him about the 45 and if it was ever released. I received my letter back and he autographed reply to my question so it is still a mystery 7-24-23..found my stock copy so thought I would add a picture

1 comment:

Lupine Assassin said...

"The Gunfighter" can be found here:

"I'm A Rambler, I'm A Gambler" was definitely released as a single in the UK: