Saturday, January 20, 2024

Stiv Bators - It's Cold Outside / The Last Year

 I went to the flea market today and it was brutal cold.  A guy I know was bringing out more $1 45s and luckily he has a little tent with a propane heater. I wore long jons, a pull over hoodie, my heavy coat and a hat covering my ears. Even with that my hands froze as I couldn't sort with my gloves on. I am surrounded in 45's yet I bought nearly 200 more. Sometimes I think I am the ultimate record hoarder. I imagine the ultimate vinyl audiofiles out there would cringe at seening stacks of 45's waiting to be cleaned and played. I observe other vinyl enthusiatist when I am at the flea market, or at record shows, and have seen my share of massive jerks- "OMG, there is a small mark if you hold the record just right under the spotlight"....I have no problems taking a chance on a 45 that has lots of scratches and clean up pretty well..or how about the record collector that says  "I would never even look or even buy a 45 if it is not in a sleeve". Do you know how many killer 45's I have found that were not in sleeves? At the end of the day it is what each one of us are comfortable with. I don't criticize those individuals above as it leaves more records for me.

So this is the first time I posted Stiv Bators. I spent 20 minutes looking in my posts to see if I forgot to put a label. Then it dawned on me, I put a Stiv Bators on a different short lived blog I had but decided to incorporate what I was doing there here...the other blog was I might even post some of those on this blog if I feel ambitious enough.

My friend Craig and I went on a trip to Lawrence Kansas in the early 1990s. I remember we went to the cool record store The Love Garden and he found a copy of this. I was bummed and it took me until this last year to finally get a copy...and then a few weeks later I picked up a 2nd copy...go figure. Nice cover version of the garage classic from the Choir which I have yet to upload. 

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