Sunday Classics: Michael Jackson was incredibly talented and deserves all the acclaim he received in his lifetime. But....I will admit I am not a big fan. Most of his music just did not move me much. All the controveries aside, I believe he lived a really lonely life which is incredibly sad. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that kind of fame, or money and how would I stay true to myself and not become over-indulgent. It's good to be where I am, and not worry about being in the constant spotlight.. With that said, those early Jackson 5 songs are magical. It was a time of great innocense...and what could be. Listen to the excitement in his voice...a perfect pop song. I picked this up recently and I had never seen a promo version on the old style Motown label.
My feeble attempt at documenting my record collection and music obsession.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Saturday, March 30, 2024
The News - Blue Shoes
Day 2 of reorganizing the storage room. I bought some shelves at Sams yesterday and put those 5000 45s I bought on them. Considering the rest of the storage room looks like a hoarders paradise, I am going to buy 2 more stoarge racks today and organize and purge...there is stuff that needs to go to the dump and I am going to oblige it.
I have a banger for this fine Saturday. A fantastic North Carolina psych 45 that I had to purchase from someone in Pennsylvannia...go figure. I have some Dayv Butler solo on JCP that needs to grace this blog someday
Friday, March 29, 2024
Don Bryant - Can't Hide The Hurt
Happy Good Friday. Found this killer soul 45 recently. Unfortunately it has a small stress crack..luckily it plays nicely
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Gary Private - The Problem With Me Is You
I picked up the Gary Private EP in the big LP buy a few years ago and I really liked it so it was a no brainer when I found the 45. Catchy powerpopish for your Thursday consideration
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Moran - The Beatles Thing
An afterwork post today as I got caught up with a work thing before happens. I bought this obscure one (both label variations) at the flea market last summer. I know nothing about it but it was a nice little melodic song. Yesterday was Cooper's 2nd birthday so we had a little birthday bash for him. Homemade 2 on his birthday hat because I turned my back for 2 seconds and he chewed up the glitter 2. It's my birthday and I can chew if I want to.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
XTC - Making Plans For Nigel
I am rectifying a travesty this morning. Somehow over the many years I have been doing this blog I have neglected the wonderful XTC. I first discovered XTC in the mid 1980's and became a huge fan in the late 80's when I was an undergraduate at Colorado State University. I think I have written about going to a yard sale one morning and this guy was selling tons of old punk 45s and LP"s and I bought as much as I could afford (wihch was not much). I picked up a few XTC 45's that day (including this one) and over the years I have purchased many many more. This is an early US 45 and I don't think I have ever seen a stock copy. If you are not familiar with XTC I recommend some youtube documentaries and Showtime put out a wonderful documentary a few years back. I promise not to neglect XTC again.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Fabulous Continentals - Undertow
A pretty light weekend for records but hey I did pretty well during the week so I should not complain. I even had time to record some more 45s. I picked this one up in February.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
The Rolling Stones - Dandelion
Sunday Classics: I am a fan of the 60's Stones releases but this one and Ruby Tuessday are my favorites. I have wanted this picture sleeve forever and I never understood why it was so expensive. I have a friend who had this copy and I had something he wanted and we ended up trading last summer. He told me that this sleeve was only pressed up in one pressing plant which explains the scarcity. While I don't know if that is ture or not, it is one of my favorites. It was nice to pair it up with my promo 45 which I also picked up last year.. While this was not the biggest Stones hit by any means, I believe it is a classic.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
The Geers- I Need You / Please Don't Break My Heart
I am so glad it is Saturday. Mailorder was good to me last week and I look forward to recording some newly received boss sounds. This was a pickup over the past month
Friday, March 22, 2024
The Ovations - I'm Living Good
Wednesday was another banger day of picking up vinyl. A friend bought 1000 lp's and ddin't like them as it was outside what he listens to and sells so I went to his house after 5pm and must have bought 250 from him..really nice old R&B and some sealed rock and soul lp's from the 60's. I did try to tell him there was value there but he wasn't interested. I would have paid more for all 1000 than he did so I must be living good with what I picked up.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
No Dice- Why Sugar
I didn't sleep much last night. We were supposed to have a new mattress and base delivered today but it's not in yet so they have to wait until next week. I was so looking forward to getting some sleep for a change. No Dice I guess
I have written about buying all those albums in 2021 at an auction. One of the LP's was the first lp by No Dice. I had never heard of them but the LP was really good. I loved this song so I was happy to find a promo copy last summer. This reminds me of some group or artist but I can't put my finger on it...any ideas?
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
The Grass Roots - Wake Up, Wake Up
Another one of those wide awake at 2am nights..I just laid in bed until deciding to get up around 4:30 and Cooper and I went for our walk. This was probably the 1st Grass Roots 45 I ever owned when I was a young teen. I had the stock copy but over the years I have no clue what happened to it. I found this beautiful promo a few years back and when I thought about uploading this one I asked a friend if he had a stock copy and he did not. This weekend I was going through some of the boxes of 45s I bought in the Wilmington buy in 2021 as I remembered a large amount of Grass Roots 45s in it and low and behold there was a beautiful stock copy. This one barely dented the Billboard charts at #68..always loved the drums in this one. The story of the formation of the Grass Roots is pretty remarkable story and deserve more entries in my blog
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Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Sam Cooke - Good Times
The hunt continues. I received a phone call about 45's yesterday and took off early from work. Ended up buying about 5,000 45's that were supposed to have come from a record store that closed in 1972. I have looked through a good amount of them and while many are old 1960's store stock there are alot that are from the later 70's. Amazing to be able to pull out a stack of old Ike and Tina Turner 45's in mint condition. ---Good Times, Good Times indeed.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Willie And The Wheels - Skateboard Craze
I purchased a first pressing of John Blair's Illustrated Discography of Surf Music -1961-1965 recently. I really would like the most current pressing but it is out of print. I emailed John and he did not have any extra copies but mentioned he was hoping to put out another pressing. I won't miss out on that one.I found it interesting what this book defined as surf music...I am definately more liberal with the term than he was and alot of the Ventures 45s I posted his book did not consider surf. I wonder if his definition changed as he revised the book? According to John's book, this was PF Sloan and Steve Barri with studio musicans. Yes, this Beach Boy/Jan and Dean sounding 45 (music sure sounds like Catch A Wave from the Bach Boys and Sidewalk Surfing from J&D) was in the book
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Martin Denny - Cast Your Fate To The Wind
I need to record some 45s to the computer today but I do have a busy day after Church today with yard work and straightening up. We bought a new mattress and adjustable frame that will be delivered later this week so I need to rearrange our bedroom around a bit. The amount of aches and pains I have while sleeping and when waking up is just crazy so I hope the pain level decreases. We also bought Cooper a small trussel bed. Yep, you read that right. I have finally been able to get him to not sleep on the bed with us because he is a bed hog. When Bently was younger we also had a Roxy (a husky) and the 2 of them could share the bottom of our Queen size bed and not impact either my wife or I. But not Cooper.- he is smaller than either one of them were and yet he takes over. So I set him up a little bed area in the corner and trained him to sleep there at night. So we are making him more comfortable- the things we do for the pets we love.
I previously wrote that during the 1st summer of COVID I bought a huge collection of Martin Denny LP's. I fell in love with them. So I started finding his 45's and would pick them up. I had this one but it was beat to hell. I was lucky over the past few months to pick up a large collection of Martin Denny 45's with these included. I have always loved this song and guess I never uploaded the original by Vince Guarlaldi...may have to rectify that someday.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
The East SIde Kids - Is My Love Strong
I saw yesterday there is a book on UNI records and I ordered it. It is supposed to be an overview of every 45 released on UNI from 1967 to 1972. I have quite a bit of stuff from UNI but of course missing a grail in The Lollipop Shoppe 45/ps- which is on my etermnal want list...I have had a few times where I just missed out on it.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Syl Johnson - I Want To Take You Home (To See Mama)
Friday Soul with a banger. I don't have alot from Syl but this song makes me want to hear more from him
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Del Shannon - Sue's Gotta Be Mine
I recently picked up 3 of Del Shannon's 1980's 45s and realized that it has been 3 years since I uploaded a Del Shannon 45. I consider this as one of his lost was a much bigger hit in the UK than it was in the states and I don't know why..the Swiss Maid was a little bigger hit and it is awful. This has everything you come to expect from those early Del 45's. I love that this label was created by Del and named after his parents. My copy came with the wonderful Diamond sleeve as this was distributed by Diamond.
On another note, I am still searching for the illusive I Can't Believe My Ears Amy 45.It is proving to be a worthy opponent
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Johnny Cash - Delia's Gone
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
The Jam - Going Underground
My love affair with The Jam continues. I always seem to find copies of the red label promo pressing plant #26 but never can seem to find the other 2 red label promo versions. This was apparently a promo only US release and I have seen references some copies were given away in their Sound Affects LP.. A huge smash in the UK where I believe it debuted at #1. It's criminal how overlooked this band was in the US
Monday, March 11, 2024
The Bandidos - The Mark Of Zorro
I can publicly state I hate moving the clock forward. Why can't they just leave time alone. Ok, enough bitching...I picked up this nice surf rarity a few months ago and that is nothing to bitch about.