Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Jackson 5 - ABC

Sunday Classics:  Michael Jackson was incredibly talented and deserves all the acclaim he received in his lifetime. But....I will admit I am not a big fan. Most of his music just did not move me much.  All the controveries aside,  I believe he lived a really lonely life which is incredibly sad. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that kind of fame, or money and how would I stay true to myself and not become over-indulgent. It's good to be where I am, and not worry about being in the constant spotlight..  With that said, those early Jackson 5 songs are magical. It was a time of great innocense...and what could be. Listen to the excitement in his voice...a perfect pop song.  I picked this up recently and I had never seen a promo version on the old style Motown label. 

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