Thursday, June 06, 2024

Jacobites - Over and Over

 I bought a new toy this week. I have been hearing lots of good things about the HummingGuru ultrasonic record cleaner so I broke down and purchased one. I had the opportunity to clean a few 45's last night and it was quite promising. I did my usual cleaning then ran it though the machine. When I start recording some of these I will indicate if it was cleaned through the ultrasonic machine. Hey HummingGuru...give me a

I offer you a later Jacobites 45 I purchased recently via Get Hip mail order. We lost Nikki Sudden and Dave Susworth way too soon. My friend Craig had loaned me a Jacobites Twin Tone LP when I lived in Denver and I became an instant fan. Over the years I have picked up quite a few and stupidly sold a few (an autographed copy). I highly recommend the Jacobites as well as any Nikii Sudden or Dave Kusworth records

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