Tuesday, June 25, 2024

R.E.M. Sitting Still

 This 45 caused me a bit of anxiety last week. R.E.M. were inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and CBS Morning did a 2 day interview with the band. The band played Losing My Religion at the awards show for the first time in years and I admit that is not one of my favorites. I understand why they played it but to me those IRS releases are magic. I became a huge R.E.M. fan when they started and the first thing I found was a promo Radio Free Europe 45 at this little record store I would visit in Colorado Springs. I have a huge collection of 45s 12" singles, lp's cd's,, bootleg lp's including the Finest Lunchbox rarity etc. I tracked down all the IRS 12" singles when I lived in Denver. I had planned this as a post about 6 months ago and like an idiot, I pulled the 45 from the box it was in and put it in another box that I had set aside to record some 45s. Life gets busy and I had not gotten around to recording it. The CBS show inspired me to record it...only it was not in the box..what????..not in the box???? I looked in the box listed in my database and no go. I searched and searched and searched and searched, and the longer I searched the more anxious I became. I bought this at a Denver record show back in the early 1990's and it was something I thought I would never get and now it's missing. Well I knew it had to be somewhere here in this crazy collection of mine. I finally found it this weekend in another box...sheesh, sometimes I don't know what I am thinking when I haphazardly move things around. Anyway, I have always loved Sitting Still and feel it deserves a post. 

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