Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Devilles - Joan Of Love

I love digging in the boxes and pulling out gems. First off you have the killer label. When I am crate digging I will always pick up things that look like this whether I know anything about it or not. A label like this dares me to take a listen. Then cleaning it up and popping it on the turntable and in this case you get a fantastic doo wop song. Killer labels don't always mean a home run but in this case it does in my opinion. A friend told me this weekend that I am a rarity with the wide variety of music styles I love. That may or may not be true. I try not to be an elitest or know it all. I also try to respect the tastes of others but that is not always easy. I have another friend who is so focused on classic rock and heavy metal that he ignores brilliant records. He recently gave me 100's of classic R&B and oldies lp's becuase they just were not something he was interested in. How could you not want to listen to an original copy of the Cricket's first album!  I do find it difficult when people are so focused on what they like that they ignore brilliant pieces of work all around them. Oh my, I think I need more coffee as that was too heavy a rant for a Tuesday Morning..

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