Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Cold - Three Chord City

November 2022 I went to a record show. There was a guy with boxes of powerpop and indie/punk 45s with many on my wish list. I had to weed out the ones I just could not afford but happy this one was in my price range. So I welcome you to powerpop heaven.

I have been on vacation this week and the week is flying past me. It rained yesterday so Cooper and I had no walk. I was up late (for me) this morning so we had a short walk. When it is cold I wear a stocking cap that has speakers built over both ears (wonderful) and I use my sirius radio app on my phone. A song came on and I thought "wish that had been on a 45". That has me thinking...what if have a weekly deep album cut post? I could capture these killer songs that never graced the 7" wax. I broke the 7" mode long time ago when I posted some 12" singles. So are there any thoughts on deep album cuts from you, my few loyal listeners. Oh I have some doosies in my brain for this. Can't wait to post Starway to Heaven... (NOT)

1 comment:

porcupine said...

They appear to have been a pretty good band. There's a full-length video of one of their performances. The lead singer was hot and really worked her miniskirt but had a weird habit of hitting herself in the head while she sang. Beatle expert Bruce Spizer was their manager and of course the Degeneres in the band was what's her name's brother.