Monday, December 25, 2023

Timbuk 3 - All I Want For Christmas

On The 13h day of Christmas my record collection brought me World Peace, That is a wonderful thought. John Lennon Imagined it 50+ years ago, Timbuk 3 reviisited it 36 years ago and we are still waiting. I think I have the promo 12" single of this as well but it's not in my database.

Cooper and I went for our O Dark 30 walk and it was warm and a beautiful Christmas morning. I would have loved to have had snow but it seems we rarely get snow anymore. We did a new variation route that I have come up with and I believe it may be my favoriite. We walk near the middle school then cut behind the middle school into a wooded area that goes to a walking path near the college sports complex. It is so completly dark and you can see the stars and is peaceful. Then we cut across campus and back near the dorms and home. Cooper seems to like it but of course Cooper was happy to get home as he wanted to check out his treats Santa brought him. He did express to me he was a bit worried, wondering why Grinch was near his treats. Cooper expressed the Grinch could have the cats toys and treats but to leave his alone. 

I wish everyone a healthy and blessed Christmas Day and I am excited for what the new year brings us.

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